My Autoblography

Hi, my name is Belen Castro Gonzalez I´m 19 years old, i was born in Santiago, Chile in 1998.
All my life i have lived in Santiago with my Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt and my dog in the Renca district, about my Mother i don´t live with her but we talk all weeks and we have a good relationship, in 2017 she with her boyfriend decided to have a new baby and I was really happy because I always wanted a sibling but she only said "no yet" and when the baby was born, all the family was exciting because I was the only son,niece and granddaughter. My little baby brother is called Damian and I hate his name but I love him so much, all people think that Damian is my son and not my brother, but no, HE IS MY BROTHER. 

Oh, I have a uncle too, he doesn´t live with us like my mother but i talk with him. 
And about my father I don´t know, i think that he went to buy cigarettes. 

My studies
All my elementary school I studied just in a small school, yeah nine years with the same people, very funny. Then in my high school I studied in a technical school, yes! i have a middle level technical title but it is a title after all, in the high school I made really good friends and I talked with them almost every day. And finally since 2017 I´m studying Biochemistry at the University of Chile.

My hobbies 
I really, really enjoy taking photographs but I don´t like taking pictures of me and another thing that i love to do is staying in my bed watching series about FBI, action, lawyers  and science fiction, really good series. 


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