Until now I’ve had four pets, 2 dogs and 2 hamsters

My first pet was a male dog called “Doko” in 2002, a cocker spaniel dog to be more specific. I do not remember much about Doko, but I will never forget that Doko stole my friend's left sandal.
And I also remember that, I don't know why, but Doko was given to a woman in 2003-2004 and she changed his name to Braulio, although I could still see it, until 2016 when died, because the woman is the lady who sells pet food near my house.

In 2005 I had a new female dog called "Princesa", It was also a cocker spaniel dog, the dog was at my grandfather's job and he decided to bring It home. It's so beautiful, spoiled and very jealous, I think It's because It was used to being alone in the house (without other people or pets), and sometimes growls at the people who approach me or my mom, but I can't do anything about it. It loves that I to caress her hair and run for no reason.

In 2008 I had my first hamster called “Hamster” because I never knew if was a male or female. That is a sad history, my mom gave it to me on Sunday and my hamster died the same day because she left the door of the cage open and my dog killed it (my mom didn’t told me but I knew it anyway)
Two months after, my mom gave me a new female hamster and I called it “Campanita”. I liked to play with Campanita and watch her drink water, It was so funny.
Died after two years, or my mom thought that because she didn't know about hibernation of hamsters.

My life with pets is so sad (thank you mom), that If I had to live without my pet I don't know how much sadder It could be.


  1. This photo of your dog is amazing and beautiful. I'm sorry for what happened with your hamster :(


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