The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is part of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Is an important source of molecular biology information. Stores and constantly updates information regarding genomic sequences in GenBank, an index of scientific articles on biomedicine, biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics and genomics in PubMed, a collection of human genetic diseases in OMIM, in addition to other relevant biotechnological data in various databases. The NCBI also offers some bioinformatics tools for the analysis of DNA, RNA and protein sequences, being BLAST one of the most used.

All NCBI databases are available online for free, and are accessible using the search engine know as Entrez.

To be honest I don't used NCBI very often, but when I need look for something related to this site, it can be a good source of information.I think that from next year I will use it a lot.

I like this website because constantly updates information, TRUE information and the best thing is that is free!


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