First movie at cinema, or something like that

Wow.... the first movie that I saw at cinema, to be honest I can't remember because I have a really bad memory, but I think that I could be a children movie or something like that.

I don't know what movie was but I can remember that when I was at school I went with my classmates, teacher and some parents to saw "Papelucho and the martian" why we went? I don't know I think that it was like the tipical school trip with a test after. I can't even remember the movie, I just know that it was a child that know a marciano and it was based of a book from Marcela Paz, yes! that confirm that this trip was for a test, I mean, we don't read the book but we saw the movie, the dream of every student that don't like read books and look for the movie or the rummary.

I serach the movie and I saw that it premiered at 2007 so that mean that I was nine or eight, eleven years ago, I saw the trailer now and looks like Papelucho was a child very imaginative and curius that belive at life at Mars but his theacher "Chuleta" don't think that, so Papelucho decides to catch a martian to ask face to face for life at Mars and prove that the martian exist. It looks funny and yeah that's everything that I can remember.


  1. The movie is really different to the book like all movies based in books jaja

  2. I never see this movie but the book was nice


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